
"Round Reed Market Basket"

by Deborah Blair

(12" x 6" x 4 1/2")

1 xxsm ash round notched handle (6" spread)
3/8," 5/8" flat reed, natural
1/4" - dyed pink and blue
#2 round reed, natural and dyed pink and blue
#6 round reed, dyed blue
5/8" flat/oval
medium cane

Cut from 5/8" flat: 5 spokes - 26" long / 9 spokes - 20" long
Cut from 3/8" flat: 4 pieces - 18" long

Lay Out The Base:
Lay the 5 long (26") spokes horizontally. Place the four 3/8" filler pieces in between each of the long spokes.
Weave in the 9 (20") spokes vertically. Make sure the center vertical spoke is OVER the center horizontal spoke. The base should measure 4 1/2" by 10." (The horizontal spokes are packed tight.)
Fold each end of the filler pieces to the underside of the base and tuck it under the third spoke from the end, trimming as necessary. Twine 2 rows around the base, using #2 round reed. Upsett.

Using #2 round reed:
triple twine 3 rows - natural
triple twine 2 rows - pink
triple twine 5 rows - blue
*regular twine 10 rows - natural
triple twine 5 rows - blue
Cut 28 pieces of 1/4" flat (dyed blue) - about 3" long.
Slide each piece down through the blue triple twining (it will be in between the 5/8" spokes). Have the 1/4" pieces go all the way to the top and bottom of the blue triple twining, trimming as necessary. I found it easiest to start at the top, go past the natural twining and down into the lower section.

Triple twine 2 more rows of #2 - pink.
Weave one row - 3/8" flat.

Fold and tuck outside spokes. Cut off inside spokes. At the center spokes, insert the handle tips into several rows of twining at the bottom of the inside of the basket.
Use 5/8" flat/oval for the rim. Use #6 round, dyed blue, for rim filler. Lash with medium cane.

Using 1/4" flat, dyed pink, weave this pattern around the side of the basket, using the inserted 1/4" blue pieces as spokes.

Copyright 1994 - Deborah V. Blair
This pattern first appeared in the Spring 1994 issue of Just Patterns Magazine and may be printed out for use, but may not be printed out in quantity for resale.

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